
L’edredone, il piumino più raro del mondo

The eider, the rarest down in the world

Il piumino più raro e costoso al mondo è anche il più caldo, adatto sia per i rigidi inverni del nord, ma perfetto anche per climi più miti grazie alle...

The eider, the rarest down in the world

Il piumino più raro e costoso al mondo è anche il più caldo, adatto sia per i rigidi inverni del nord, ma perfetto anche per climi più miti grazie alle...

titolo filo di cotone

The importance of cotton yarn: count and weave ...

Where does cotton come from? How do you get a thin, elastic and resistant yarn? How important is the quality of the single thread and how is its value evaluated?...

The importance of cotton yarn: count and weave ...

Where does cotton come from? How do you get a thin, elastic and resistant yarn? How important is the quality of the single thread and how is its value evaluated?...

Benvenuti in Bottega 1964

Welcome to Bottega 1964, the Made in Italy luxu...

Bottega 1964 was born within the Lisolastore family, a new online atelier dedicated to luxury linens for the home with a strong sartorial vocation.

Welcome to Bottega 1964, the Made in Italy luxu...

Bottega 1964 was born within the Lisolastore family, a new online atelier dedicated to luxury linens for the home with a strong sartorial vocation.